
主题: Healthcare at the Crossroads: Impacts of Physician’s Online Health Community Participation on Offline Healthcare Accessibility, Equity, and Quality


时间:2022年11月9日 (周三) 上午10:00




Hospital-affiliated online health communities (OHCs) provide enormous potential for health promotion, where their benefits have largely been found to outweigh their disadvantages. Yet due to limited and slow adoption of OHCs, healthcare is at the crossroads of traditional offline and technological online care trends, as their joint application can create uncertainty or complexities for existing offline healthcare systems in terms of accessibility, equity, and quality concerns. How physicians’ offline inpatient care quality, equity, and accessibility might change after joining an OHC is worth studying, particularly for patients with low socioeconomic status who are more likely to be affected. This study seeks to quantify these effects using operation-level inpatient data and correlated physicians’ OHC activity data from a major hospital. Results show that physicians’ OHC participation improves offline care accessibility by triggering about 7.29 percent increase in new offline inpatient visits. Also, physician participation in OHCs significantly improves care quality by reducing the average inpatients’ length of stay by 0.56 days. These improvements are also found to be far more pronounced for patients with low-socioeconomic status, suggesting that OHC participation can promote the equity of offline inpatient care accessibility and quality. The study also tests how the effects of OHC participation are driven by general knowledge dissemination, physician-patient interactions, and the integration of online-offline processes. It adds to the literatures on OHC, healthcare operations management, and public health, and offers practical implications for service operations of online health platforms.


吴记,中山大学管理学院副教授。2015年获得香港城市大学、中国科学技术大学博士学位。瑞士苏黎世大学访问学者、香港中文大学(深圳)访问学者、香港城市大学访问学者等。担任中国信息经济学会理事,国际信息系统年会(2019)副编辑,期刊IJCHM客座编辑,国际智慧金融峰会程序委员, Information Systems Research等多个国际权威期刊匿名审稿人。从事大数据分析在商业和医疗管理领域应用研究。主持多项国家自然科学基金项目和香港研究资助局项目。近年来,在MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research,《管理科学学报》等国内外权威期刊发表20多篇学术论文。

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