
主题: Rivalry Psyches Up High-Status Individuals but Psyches Out Low-Status Ones: Evidence from an Online Programming Contest Community

主讲人: 邹腾剑 (浙江大学管理学院)

时间:2022年11月9日 (周三) 14:00




The view that rivalry, a subjective competitive relationship that an actor has with another actor, increases individual performance is widely accepted by both academics and practitioners. Drawing on status theory, we challenge this view and argue that whereas the rivalry-performance link is positive for high-status individuals, it is negative for low-status ones. To test our hypothesis, we examine a large dataset collected from an online programming contest community, leveraging an exogenous arrangement whereby individuals compete with randomly assigned rivals. Consistent with our hypothesis, we find that rivalry has opposite performance effects depending on an actor’s status: it increases the performance of high-status individuals, but it decreases it for low-status ones. We contribute to rivalry theory by showing that status is a potent boundary condition for the performance advantages of rivalry.


邹腾剑,新加坡管理大学李光前商学院博士,现任浙江大学管理学院百人计划研究员,博士生导师。研究兴趣主要集中在组织理论与创新管理,相关成果发表在Organization Science、Journal of International Business Studies、Organization Studies、Academy of Management Annals等期刊。读博之前,他曾学习电子工程相关专业并在芯片公司全职做过四年技术研发工作,历任技术开发工程师和高级技术开发工程师。

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