来源:中国人民大学尤努斯社会事业与微型金融研究中 编辑:宣传信息事务办公室 发布时间:2020-03-19
Call for Papers
Forum on Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in Emerging Market
Business School
Renmin University of China
Beijing, Sep 19-20, 2020
The Business School at Renmin University of China (RMBS) and collaborating partners invite academics and PhD students from around the world to submit their scholarly papers to our first international forum on Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation (SESI) in Emerging Markets. The aim of this forum is to promote and encourage researching, learning, and teaching subjects related to SESI. While we encourage submission of papers around the theme of the conference, emerging markets, we also welcome academic manuscript that provide new and fresh insight into SE and/or SI in general or compare SE and/or SI in emerging markets and developed economies.
RMBS' collaborating partners for this forum are the School of Management and Economics of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China Social Enterprise Services Center, Institute of Entrepreneurship & innovation of Renmin University of China, and Nanyang Center for Emerging Markets.
Opportunities for Publication
Select high-quality scholarly papers will be recommended to the Social Enterprise Journal and Frontiers of Business Research in China for publication in special column or regular edition. Interested authors are encouraged to refer to these journals' websites (listed below) for information about them, scopes and aims of them, and the type of scholarly papers suitable for publication in these two journals.
Social Enterprise Journal:
Frontiers of Business Research in China:
Suggested Topic
The forum and its partnering journals are all multidisciplinary in nature and accept qualitative and quantitative as well as conceptual papers in the areas of sociology, economics,management, finance (micro and macro), accounting, marketing, and other related disciplines. We would also welcome and encourage cross-disciplinary papers that provide new perspectives, for example, in financial issues of social enterprises from a management or sociological perspective. Topics of interest are, but not limited to, the followings:
Comparative within and between emerging and developed economies, or regional studies of social enterprises from any aspect such as financing, accounting, growth, advertising, outreach,product development, human resources, business model, networking, social capital, and management among other topics.
Emerging markets social enterprises' specific traits and/or their impact on social innovation, corporate innovation, socio-economic development, political or economic change, and other broader regional or national level subjects.
Emerging market or country level specific issues and their impact on SE and/or SI. For example, the impact of political system, macro/micro economic issues, banking and financing standards, national and regional culture, laws and regulations and other institutions on SE and/or SI at macro or micro level.
The spirit of SE/SI and how to promote or foster them in different emerging economies. Theories of SE/SI in different countries. The need and potential for theory development in SE/SI.
The effectiveness and impact of SE and/or SI on social issues prevalent in emerging markets such as poverty eradication, equality, urban-rural divide, orphans and left behind children, persons of special need, women's right, domestic violence, urban agriculture, safety and crime, emigration and immigration, pollution and environmental issues, education, social services and justice, elderly care, and other related issues.
Special approach to business by SE such as networking and collaboration with for-profit firms, corporations, government entities,not-for-profit and NGOs, communities, and other related stakeholders.
Yunus Awards
The inaugural Yunus Award for the Best Social Business Research will be awarded to two outstanding papers submitted to the conference. In 1983, Professor Yunus founded Grameen Bank, which was the beginning of a micro-finance revolution and facilitated establishment and growth of social enterprises and social businesses around the world. For this,Professor Yunus was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. The inaugural award is established to celebrate Professor Yunus' great contribution and further promote the studying of social enterprise and social business.
Submission and guidelines
All submissions must be written in fluent English, single spaced, font size 11 or 12, with margin of 2.5cm (1inch) on all sides.
To be considered for the presentation in the forum, authors should submit their manuscripts to sesi-forum@rmbs.ruc.edu.cn.
The deadline for submission is the end of 30 June, 2020, Beijing time (GMT +8:00).
Paper Submission
Papers submissions can be quantitative or qualitative research, including case-studies, and conceptual in nature. Submissions must be 6,000 to 10,000 words in length inclusive of all parts: title page,abstract, main text, tables/figures, references, and appendixes. The first page must include paper's title and authors' names, affiliation, and contact information that at least includes an e-mail address that is regularly monitored. On the first page, please also suggest a recommended discipline such as finance, accounting, economics, strategy, human resources, organization behavior and management science or appropriate combination of these terms for cross-disciplinary studies.
The second page must repeat the title again followed by an abstract of up to 250 words and up to six keywords.
Unfinished papers are not accepted for the purpose of the conference presentation.
To facilitate blind reviews, we request the authors to only submit their manuscripts in Microsoft Word Format. Area chairs will remove the title page, convert each manuscript to PDF format, and send them to reviewers for evaluation.
For other detailed formatting and referencing, please follow the guidelines provided by Frontiers of Business Researchin China: please click here for details or copy and paste the following link into your browser:
Symposia and Panel Proposals
We accept limited number of symposia. Symposium proposals could be in the format of panel or presentation. The maximum acceptable length for symposium and panel proposals is 7000 words. Due to their nature, symposium proposals are not blinded and the identity of organizers and participants are knowns to reviewers. For the purpose of symposium proposal, authors can follow the guidelines provided by the Academy of Management and view sample symposium proposals: please click here for details) or copy the following link and paste it to your browser: http://aom.org/annualmeeting/submission/guidelines/#symposiumguideline Tentative Conference Schedule
19 Sep, Saturday, first day, Academic Paper Presentations
08:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 10:30 Welcome message and keynote speeches
09:30 - 10:30 Paper presentations and symposia
10:30 – 10:45 Break
10:45 – 11:15 Paper presentations and symposia
11:15 – 13:45 Lunch break
13:45 – 15:15 Paper presentations and symposia
15:15 – 15:30 Break
15:30 – 17:00 Paper presentations and symposia
18:00 – 20:00 Dinner reception and Yunus Award ceremony
20 Sep, Sunday, second day, Practitioners panels
09:00 – 10:30 Welcome message and keynote speech by practitioners
10:30 – 10:45 Break
10:45 – 11:15 Practitioners' symposia
11:15 – 13:45 Lunch break
13:45 – 15:15 Practitioners' symposia and social entrepreneur keynote
15:15 – 15:30 Break
15:30 – 17:00 Forum conclusion
Important Dates
Conference submission deadline:
30 Jun, 2020
Decisions and acceptance decision:
31 July, 2020
Conference registration deadline:
25 Aug, 2020
19-20 Sep, 2020
Tentative publication in SEJ or FBRC:
mid 2021
Conference Fee
At least one author for each presenting paper must be registered for the conference before the registration deadline. Papers of author(s), who fail to pay the registration fee before the deadline, will be withdrawn from the conference.
Earlybird registration, before 6 August, 2020, Beijing time: USD100 or RMB 700Normal conference fee, 6-25 August, 2020, Beijing time: USD150 or RMB 1000On-site registration (for NOT presenting authors) fee: USD150 or RMB1000
Fees include reception dinner and award ceremony in the evening of 19 September.
There are a variety of accommodation alternatives at and around RUC. The list of hotels within walking distance from RUC are provided below. Apart from hotels around RUC, there are also plenty other alternative options at short or longer distance to the campus. You can either directly contact these hotels or through your preferred booking channel.
Renmin University Huixian Hotel (not stared)
59 Zhongguancun Dajie, Renmin University of China (west gate)
Tel: +86-10-6251 6038
Ariva Beijing West Hotel and Serviced Apartments
36 South Haidian Road (Haidian Nan Lu 36 hao)
Tel: +86-10-82669999
Yanshan Hotel
China, Beijing, Haidian, Shuangyushu, Zhongguancun St, Jia No. 38
Tel: +86-10-6256 3388
Beijing Friendship Hotel (4- and 5-star buildings)
No.1 Zhongguancun South Main Street, Haidian District, Beijing100873 China
Tel: +86-10-6849 8888
Contact Information
Questions and suggestions should be directed to:
Ms. Jing YANG
(+86-10) 8250 1009,
Professor Jianying WANG
(+86) 138 0131 2499,
wangjianying@rmbs.ruc.edu.cn (for Chinese)
Professor Majid GHORBANI
(+89-10) 8250 0573,
majidghorbani@rmbs.ruc.edu.cn (for English)
To submit your forum submission, please send your manuscripts to: sesi-forum@rmbs.ruc.edu.cn
Local Conference Chair
Ziliang Deng
Associate Dean of Renmin Business School
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