

主 题:Omnichannel Services: The False Premise and Operational Remedies


时 间:2023年5月10日 (周三) 上午10:00

地 点:线上会议室

语 言:英文


The notion of omnichannel, an integration of brick-and-mortar stores with online channels, has been thriving in recent years and is reforming the traditional service industry. Many service chains, such as Starbucks and McDonald’s, established omnichannel capability by allowing customers to order online in advance before visiting stores for pickup. The premise of omnichannel services is that when customers take advantage of the low-cost-of-waiting online channel, both their utility and the provider’s revenue will increase. Although simply adding an online-ordering option to the conventional walk-in model stimulates revenue, it also inflicts interference on the walk-in channel. We show that online ordering inadvertently reduces customers’ individual utility and social welfare when both channels are used in equilibrium. Moreover, the less it costs to order and wait online, the more the social welfare is reduced. We then evaluate two industry state-of-the-art operational remedies: regulating the use of the online channel and establishing channel-dedicated capacities. Although both remedies may improve the throughput over the walk-in-only service or even the first-come-first-served omnichannel service, they are unlikely to achieve this without jeopardizing the social welfare. We thus propose prioritizing walk-in customers and show that such prioritization can deliver this premise—that is, simultaneously benefiting the service provider and customers in comparison with the conventional walk-in-only service when both channels are used in equilibrium. Our results highlight that creating an efficient marketplace requires synergy between innovative technology and effective operational strategies.


陈小乐博士现任中山大学管理学院助理教授,他分别于2013、2015、2020年取得哈尔滨工业大学学士、中山大学硕士、香港中文大学博士学位,并获得香港中文大学青年学者论文奖(CUHK Young Scholar Thesis Award)、全国供应链与运营管理学术年会优秀论文三等奖、POMS-HK 2020国际会议最佳学生论文竞赛入围奖。研究兴趣主要包括:新型技术在运营管理中的运用,新型商业模式运营,基于社会责任的可持续运营等。研究成果发表于Management Science, IISE Transactions等期刊。

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