主 题:The learning sub-system interplay in service innovation in born global firm internationalization
主讲人: 杰伊∙韦拉华德纳
时 间:2019-04-04 10:00
地 点:明德商学楼1008室
语 言:英文
This study examines how born global service firms learn from the market and organize and manage the knowledge they acquire through this learning to deliver value-adding service solutions for early entry into international markets. We adopt an organizational sub-systems approach to empirically investigate in the US context how market learning and its associated internal and relational learning in the firm influences both technical and administrative innovation in the internationalizing services firm. Direct and moderating effects suggest that the dynamic learning capabilities we postulate operate in a complex and novel set of relationships contributing to these two forms of innovation in the services firm. We find that the delivery of the service to the market, and innovation in this delivery, is as important as the technical innovation embodied in the service, and that both technical and administrative innovation in the firm influences performance in international markets.
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