主 题:Emotions Can Buy Your Money: Disentangling the Impact of Peak Emotions in the Totality of Crowdfunding Videos
主讲人: 黄翊 (新加坡南洋理工大学)
时 间:2021-04-14 14:00
地 点:Zoom会议室、明商706室
语 言:中英文
会议 ID:624 9386 4567
Emotions are critical to fundraising performance. Past research has mainly focused on the displayed emotions of the entrepreneurs and assumed that the effects of emotions are consistent across time and situations. However, emotions are conveyed not only by the person pitching but also by the visual content in the fundraising pitch video. Moreover, the impact of emotions may vary at different serial positions (i.e., beginning, middle, ending) in a pitch and for different types of entrepreneurial projects. Drawing on the core tenets of the gestalt characteristics theory, we tested our research model by analyzing data from over 543 million frames in 3,340 Indiegogo crowdfunding pitch videos using ResNet 50 deep neural network, a machine learning technique. Results indicated that the respective peak levels of positive and negative emotions significantly predicted crowdfunding performance. Moreover, we found that both positive and negative peak emotion levels that occurred at the beginning segment of the video had a stronger impact on funding performance, compared to the peak levels at the middle and ending segments. In addition, the relationship between the peak level of negative emotion and funding outcomes was weaker for arts (vs. non-arts) projects.
Yi Huang is a third-year Ph.D. student in the Division of the Leadership, Management & Organisation at Nanyang Business School at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Before beginning her Ph.D., she studied international business at the Lingnan (University) College at the Sun Yat-sen University in China. Her research interests span the broad areas of emotional well-being and the psychology of entrepreneurship. Her articles have been published in Journal of Applied Psychology and the Psychology of Entrepreneurship: New Perspectives.
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