主 题:Could there be a socioemotional bond? a longitudianl study of Professional CEO dismissal IN FAMILY-CONTROLLED FIRMS
主讲人: 沈伟(美国亚利桑那州立大学 (ASU) 凯瑞商学院)
时 间:2019-06-24 09:00
地 点:明德商学楼1008室
语 言:中英文
This study departs from the conventional CEO power explanation of CEO dismissal and examines the dynamic relationship between the controlling families and the professional CEOs. Taking an evolutionary perspective, we propose that a socioemotional bond, defined as a strong relationship based on trust, respect, and affect, can be formed between the controlling families and the professional CEOs over a substantive period of time or through transformational events. This socioemotional bond makes the controlling families treat these CEOs more like family members, such that it will not only reduce these professional CEOs’ risk of dismissal but also weaken the effect of firm financial performance on their dismissal decisions. Using data from a sample of family-controlled firms in Taiwan from 1999 to 2013, we find empirical evidence consistent with our theoretical predictions. Our study contributes to the understanding of the relationship between shareholders and professional managers by advancing an evolutionary perspective that accommodates the possibility for some controlling shareholders to develop a socioemotional bond with professional CEOs, at least in the context of family-controlled firms in an emerging economy.
沈伟博士现任美国亚利桑那州立大学 (ASU) 凯瑞商学院管理与创业学系的战略管理学教授。他曾任职于罗格斯大学,佛罗里达大学,莫斯科管理学院SKOLKOVO新兴市场研究中心。自2010年加入ASU以来,他一直是凯瑞商学院排名位于全美前30的全职MBA项目核心教授团队中的一员,并参与了与上海高级金融学院合办的DBA项目的筹建和教学。从2014年开始担任凯瑞商学院中国项目副院长,全面管理与上海国家会计学院合办的EMBA项目和与上海高级金融学院合办的DBA项目。
他的研究主要是从行为角度探讨公司战略决策者之间的关系及其对企业的影响。他已经在国际知名管理学期刊上发表了很多篇关于公司高管和董事的实证研究,其中包括顶级期刊Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, 和 Strategic Management Journal。另外,他还在Academy of Management Review发表了数篇关于CEO与董事会关系、经理人的自由度、和领导离职对属下影响的理论性文章。
他经常为多家学术期刊和年会审稿,并且还(曾)在Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management and Governance, Management and Organization Review, 和 Strategic Management Journal担任编委。他目前在《管理学季刊》担任公司治理领域编辑,还曾联合主编过Corporate Governance: An International Review关于高管薪酬的特刊和Journal of Management and Governance关于战略管理和公司治理关系的特刊。
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