

主 题:The Group Borrowing of Suppliers in an Assembly Chain

主讲人: 赵文辉 (上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院)

时 间:2019-06-26 10:00

地 点:明德商学楼1008室

语 言:中英文



We study the group borrowing effect in an assembly chain, where the assembler sources components from complementary suppliers to satisfy future random demand. Due to the long lead time of the component production, the assembler adopts an assemble-to-order (ATO) strategy, where each supplier produces the component to inventory, while the assembler can assemble the final products after observing the realized demand. The assembler offers each supplier a wholesale-price contract now to incentivize them to produce enough inventories. Each supplier may have to borrow bank loans for the production. Using the base case that each supplier borrows separately as the benchmark, we show that, under some mild conditions, the group borrowing of suppliers will result in an increased equilibrium profit of the assembler. However, it may lead to a smaller equilibrium profit of the suppliers in the group, and we modify the wholesale-price contract for the assembler, by adding a fixed transfer payment term, which can incentivize the suppliers to join group borrowing. Our computational study indicates that the assembler can achieve 10% profit improvement, especially when the supplier’s bankruptcy cost is high and the profit margin of the supply chain is low. We note with interest that such pareto improvement opportunity are conditional and mainly depends on the demand distribution: while many commonly applied distributions satisfy the condition, for distributions with the long-tail feature such as Lognormal, group borrowing may result in a significant profit loss of the assembler, which can be more than 10%, quantified by our computational study.


赵文辉,美国俄亥俄州立大学运筹学博士、交通工程硕士;清华大学土木工程硕士、土木工程和计算机双学士。2010年8月加入上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院、2012年8月晋升为副教授、2018年8月晋升为终身职副教授、2018年12月晋升为终身职教授。主要研究兴趣集中在供应链运营/金融联合决策、博弈论、组合优化等,研究成果发表于Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations ManagementMathematical Programming等运营、数学国际学术期刊。理论研究成果被Manufacturing & Service Operations Management等期刊论文进行了针对性的实证检验。指导了世界500强企业山特维克集团2015年的供应链金融项目,该项目的实施扭转了集团之前三年(2012-2014)平均每年4亿美元的利润下滑趋势,实施后三年(2016-2018)实现了平均每年8亿美元的利润上升,取得了显著的效果。



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