

主 题:Managing boundaryless careers: Past research and future directions

主讲人: Yanjun Guan (Durham University Business School, UK)

时 间:2019-07-10 14:30

地 点:明德商学楼504室

语 言:中英文



This seminar focuses on the research progression in managing boundaryless careers. The presenter will outline the conceptual issues and research progress on boundaryless careers, which is defined as the career patterns that are less and less reliant on a single organization. In spite of its theoretical and practical significance, there have been controversies and unresolved issues surrounding boundaryless careers since it was proposed in 1994 by Arthur and colleagues. The presenter will also discuss recent trends and future directions in this research stream.


Dr. Yanjun Guan is currently a professor in management at Durham University Business School, UK. He obtained his PhD in Psychology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2009. Before Yanjun joined Durham University, he used to work for University of Surrey, Renmin University of China and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Yanjun’s key research areas are career management and cross-cultural management. Yanjun is currently serving as an Associate Editor for "Journal of Vocational Behavior". His work appears in "Journal of Vocational Behavior", "Journal of Management", "Personnel Psychology", "Psychological Science", "Nature Climate Change", "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology", "Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin", "Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology", and so on.



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