

主 题:A Meta-Analytic Study of Social Network and Employee Work Outcomes

主讲人: 胡沅霖 (迪肯大学管理学院讲师)

时 间:2021-12-29 14:00

地 点:Zoom会议室、明商1008室

语 言:中英文


地  点:明德商学楼1008室

Zoom线上会议 https://zoom.us/j/88188075680?pwd=TU05ai96NnVQa1NRa2hwS3RWNzNGUT09 

会议号:881 8807 5680

密  码:478736


Contradictory views exist regarding the effects of two social-network positions at work: network size and brokerage. Some argue that they are primarily beneficial to employees (e.g., getting access to richer, diverse information), whereas others warn that any benefits may be cancelled out by costs (e.g., incurring cognitive and emotional resource depletion). Empirical evidence has cumulated for decades, but neither an integrative framework considering the joint costs and benefits of social networks, nor an empirical analysis testing and comparing the relative size of network benefits and costs appears in the literature. In this research, authors present a dual-pathway model of network effects on work-related outcomes (job performance, career success, turnover), highlighting network benefits and costs as two distinctive mechanisms. In addition, the authors present occupational and cultural contexts as boundary conditions that moderate the network effects. A meta-analysis of 582 independent correlations (N = 536,574) from 172 articles shows that the network size effects are primarily positive, whereas brokerage effects are canceled out due to the co-occurrence of benefits and costs. Moderator test results are also presented.


Dr. Yuen Lam (Fannie) Wu is an assistant professor in management at Deakin usiness School, Deakin University. Her research seeks to understand the roles of emotions, leadership, and social capital in helping leaders and employees attain success in organizations.



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