主 题:Quantitative Assessment on Frictions in Technology Market
主讲人: 章逸然(复旦大学经济学院讲师)
协调人: 陈志远
时 间:2022-01-05 16:00
地 点:线上腾讯会议
语 言:中英文
地 点:腾讯会议 https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/5jamWTngsl4m
密 码:0105
In this paper, I first document several novel stylized facts from Chinese patent transaction data matched with manufacturing firm data. A key finding is that Chinese patent market is significantly less developed than the US To understand the causes and consequences, I build a model that endogenizes firm R&D investment, patent trading decision and productivity growth. I structurally estimate the model and find the following two main results. First, Chinese patent market plays a small role in growth. It only accounts for 5% of China’s GDP growth rate, as opposed to 17% in the US Second, I evaluate the importance of three frictions calibrated to Chinese patent market: search cost, fixed transaction cost and information asymmetry. Search cost turns out to be the main friction to explain the gap of patent market size. If search cost was reduced to zero, China’s productivity growth rate would increase by 13%.
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