

主  题:Time Per Turnover Dynamics: An Intertemporal Model of Cascading Turnovers

主讲人:Kris Mikel-Hong (Tsinghua SEM)

时  间:2023年12月20日(周四)下午14:00

地  点:明德商学楼1008室

语  言:英文


Departing from the traditional conceptualization of turnover rates as the number of leavers during a time period, this study focuses on intertemporal dynamics to explore how time varies between turnover instances. We examine turnover aggregation processes to develop a model of turnover cascades, sequentially accelerating turnovers in network communities. Using one year of high-frequency data from an organizational network of 19,098 full-time employees, we find that localized turnovers tend to occur more quickly the longer a sequence continues, and that turnover occurs faster the more direct ties the focal leaver has with prior leavers. We illuminate the intricate interplay between relational structures and time per turnover, providing a more dynamic view of turnover patterns. Our research not only contributes to the turnover literature by helping bridge mico-level turnover contagion with macro-level turnover rates, but also has important implications for organizational management, emphasizing the need to monitor turnover sequences, especially during times of organizational crisis.


Kris Mikel-Hong (洪天波) is a Ph.D. candidate (class of 2020) in the Department of Leadership and Organization Management, Tsinghua SEM. His research focuses on organizational big data and the application of artificial intelligence in organizations. He has been awarded several scholarships and grants, including the 2023 Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund Grant from IACMR. He has published in Journal of Management and has R&Rs from journals such as Academy of Management Review and Organization Science.


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