

主 题:New Insights into Gift-Giving

主讲人: 姜宇威(香港理工大学教授)

时 间:2022-06-09 10:00

地 点:线上会议室

语 言:英文



Social relationships are fundamental to humankind’s happiness and well-being. To establish and maintain these relationships, we give gifts to each other on various occasions. The prevalence of gift-giving spurs an ever-growing gift industry, and it is important for marketing and consumer researchers to fully understand how consumers select their gifts. This talk covers two ongoing research projects about how consumers select gifts for others. Specifically, these two projects investigate 1) how romantic motive shapes gift selection, and 2) how consumers react to gifts with a minimalistic design. Together, findings from these two projects offer novel insight into consumers’ unique cognition and motivation in different gifting contexts.



Professor Yuwei Jiang is a Professor of Marketing at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests include social influences on consumer behavior, consumption and the self, and visual marketing. Prof. Jiang is one of the top 50 most productive marketing scholars in the world (based on the number of publications in 2012-2021 on premier marketing journals archived by AMA). His research has appeared frequently in top-tier academic journals, such as the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Strategic Management Journal, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Consumer Psychology Review. Prof. Jiang serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Consumer Psychology, a guest associate editor and editorial board member for the Journal of Consumer Research, and a co-editor for the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research special issue on pandemic-transformed economy. He was awarded the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Scholar in 2020, the outstanding reviewer award for the Journal of Consumer Research in 2019; the MSI Young Scholar in 2015, and the AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow in 2008. Prof. Jiang holds a BA in Economics from the University of International Relations, China, both an MSc in Economics and a PhD in Marketing from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).

* 面向院内师生开放。



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