主题:How Environmental Management Competitive Pressure Affects a Focal Firm’s Environmental Innovation Activities: A Green Supply Chain Perspective
摘要:Recently, environmental management offers firms a source of competitive advantage in the marketplace. The development of environmental innovations into the marketplace is critical to the success of today’s firms. Drawing on the Schumpeterian perspective of competition and supply chain integration literature, this research examines how a main competitor’s green success influences a firm to pursue and produce environmental innovations through its green supply chain integration activities. Using survey data from 230 supply chain professionals, a conceptual model is developed and tested using structural equation modeling. The empirical results provide the evidence that main competitors’ green success is an important determinant for a firm to adopt green supply chain integration activities and then introduce environmental innovations to the marketplace. By differentiating incremental and radical environmental innovation, this study also reveals the role of three dimensions of green supply chain integration (internal, supplier and customer integration of green product development) on incremental and radical environmental innovation separately. Empirical evidence demonstrates the relative importance of internal integration and external supplier and customer integrations in developing incremental and radical environmental innovation.
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