主讲人:Dr Yuan Li 李媛博士(加拿大麦吉尔大学)
协调人:商学院组织与人力资源系 王凤彬教授
内容简介:Neoinstitutional theory differs from other organization theories in its ideational orientation that deals with cognition, logics, and meanings. In the past twenty years, the linguistic turn in organization theory has integrated a variety of linguistic approaches into the neoinstitutional paradigm. Recent topics and trends of neoinstitutional studies show that the integration is far from finished and many problems still remain. This talk will discuss the contribution of discourse, narrative, frame, and rhetorical analyses to neoinstitutional theory. Empirical cases will be employed to illustrate how combining language and neoinstitutional theory can bring new insights into central topics in institutional studies, such as diffusion of management innovations and the social construction of organizational practices.
主讲人简介:Yuan Li is an assistant professor of Strategy and Organization in the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University. Her research is broadly concerned with the symbolic aspect of strategic and institutional change. She employs various linguistic lenses, such as discourse analysis, rhetoric, and semiotics, to explore the construction of motives, meaning, and institutions. She has received grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada to investigate the co-evolution of the symbolic and the material in institutional processes.
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