《中国工商管理研究前沿》(Frontiers of Business Research in China, FBR)将与中国人民大学商学院于2015年5月22-23日在北京共同举办第二届FBR国际研讨会,主题是“工商管理研究与实践的发展:中国与世界。”本届研讨会邀请三位嘉宾进行主题演讲,并有包括会计学、财务金融学、人力资源、国际商务、市场营销、管理信息系统、组织行为学以及战略管理等领域的共41篇文章的作者参会宣讲论文。
Joseph P.H. Fan, Professor of Finance, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Speech Title: Family Ownership Structures and Corporate Policies: The Case of Family Trust
Abstract: Ownership structure plays critical roles in incentives and behaviors within business organizations. The finance and accounting literature has focused on the effects of firm ownership dispersion across managers and investors. We extend the literature by examining the roles of ownership structure within a controlling family. Specifically, we focus on a family trust structure that is a popular vehicle for holding family ownership around the world. The trust structure typically locks controlling ownership within a family for a very long period. Although ensuring family control, the share transfer restriction potentially induces family shirking problems and distorts firm decisions. We find abundant such evidence based on a sample of publicly traded family firms in Hong Kong.
Oliver Zhen Li, Professor of Accountancy, National University of Singapore
Speech Title: Native Research, International Arena
Abstract: The source of inspirations for China research is vast. At this special juncture of China’s political and economic development, Chinese scholars are poised to take a leading role in academic research in the world. After years of waiting and preparation, we now need to rise from our native soil and promote China research that is authentic, truthful and unabashedly confident. With that attitude, we will triumph in the international research arena.
Jason D. Shaw, Chair Professor of Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Speech Title: Financial Incentives are (too) Effective: What Science Says about Pay-for-performance
Abstract: Do financial incentives improve, hurt, or have no effect on employee performance in organizations? The debate about pay-for-performance has raged for many years in academic and practitioner circles. But, despite strong opinions on both sides, the research evidence about pay-for-performance is surprisingly clear. In this talk, I will evaluate what science tells us about the use of financial incentives in organizations. This evaluation results in the isolation of three rules (size, expectations, and justice) related to the administration and management of performance-based pay.
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