主 题:How and when does the fit of CEO-CFO regulatory focus predict new venture IPO fraud?
主讲人: 龚汨嘉 (西安交通大学管理学院博士生)
时 间:2022-04-13 14:00
地 点:明商1008会议室,线上会议室
语 言:中英文
From the perspective of top management team subteam, this study attempts to examine how the fit of CEO-CFO regulatory focus—an important motivational-based psychological trait, impacts new venture initial public offering fraud by means of integrating upper echelon theory with regulatory focus theory. Furthermore, we explore how this relationship is moderated by CEO-CFO achieved similarity (e.g., status similarity) and CEO-CFO ascribed similarity (e.g., gender homophily). Based on a sample of Chinese new ventures listed on growth enterprise market from 2010 to 2016, we conduct computer-aided content analysis to quantify CEO and CFO regulatory focus, and find support for our hypotheses.
龚汨嘉,西安交通大学管理学院组织管理系博士生。主要研究领域包括战略领导力,创业家情绪,企业社会责任等。 研究成果发表于Human Relations 等FT50、ASB4星期刊上。
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