

主 题:A View on Theory Development

主讲人: Frank Wijen(Erasmus University)

协调人: 王汝曦

时 间:2019-11-12 10:30

地 点:明德商学楼706室

语 言:英文



While theory is an important part of most academic papers, scholarly training devotes surprisingly little attention to developing solid theory. This seminar provides a systematic approach to building and presenting new theory. It also addresses common problems with theory development manuscripts and offers some suggestions and an illustration to overcome these challenges.

Short biography:

Frank Wijen is an Associate Professor at the Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam. He holds a PhD in management from Tilburg University, where he also worked as a Senior Researcher. His research interests include institutional processes, globalization, power and influence, organizational learning, and corporate and national environmental management, with a particular interest in the self-regulation of transnational environmental commons. Frank is a Senior Editor at Organization Studies and published in journals such as Academy of Management Review (2014, 2015), California Management Review (2011, 2018), Organization Science (2013), Organization Studies (2006, 2007), Strategic Management Journal (2018), and Strategic Organization (2011), and was the leading editor of A handbook of globalisation and environmental policy, second edition (2012, published by Edward Elgar).



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