主 题:LMX- and expertise-based voice topography and team performance
主讲人: 王丰豪 (香港理工大学博士后)
时 间:2022-04-06 14:00
地 点:明商1008会议室
语 言:中英文
Despite the long-standing assumption in the literature that voice benefits team functioning, current research remains relatively silent on providing either theoretical or empirical evidence for this claim. In this paper, we adopt a voice configuration perspective and argue that voice may diminish team functioning when it is spoken by the wrong people in a team. Specifically, we propose a new team-level construct called voice topography, referring to the extent to which team members’ voice frequency is aligned with their certain attributes. We found that LMX-based voice topography diminishes team performance due to decreased team trust and increased status conflicts, whereas expertise-based voice topography benefits team performance because of enhanced team reflexivity and team trust. Theoretical and practical implications will be discussed.
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