

主 题: Gender Bias in Evaluations and Selection of Future Leaders: Role of Decision Makers’ Mindsets about the Universality of Leadership Potential

主讲人: 刘知 (北京大学光华管理学院副教授)

时 间:2023年3月22日 (周三) 14:00

地 点:明商1008会议室

语 言:中/英文


Decades of research have documented organizational decision makers’ preference for men over women when they evaluate and select candidates for leadership positions. We conceptualize a novel construct—mindsets about the universality of leadership potential—that can help remedy this gender bias. People can believe either that only some individuals have high leadership potential (i.e., a “nonuniversal” mindset) or that most individuals have high leadership potential (i.e., a “universal” mindset). Five studies examined the relationship between these mindsets and decision makers’ gender biases in leader evaluation and selection. The more senior government officials in China held a universal mindset, the less they showed gender bias when rating their subordinates’ leadership capability (Study 1). Working adults in the UK who held a more universal mindset exhibited less gender bias when evaluating and selecting job candidates for a leadership position (Study 2). In an experiment, Singaporean students exposed to a universal mindset exhibited less gender bias when evaluating and selecting candidates than those exposed to a nonuniversal mindset (Study 3). Another experiment with working adults in China replicated this pattern and added a control condition to confirm the directionality of the effect (Study 4). Finally, Study 5 showed that a more universal mindset was associated with less gender bias, particularly among decision makers with strong stereotypes. This research demonstrates that mindsets about the universality of leadership potential, which are seemingly unrelated to gender, are a key factor that affect individuals’ expression of gender bias.


刘知,北京大学光华管理学院组织与战略管理系副教授。她毕业于美国纽约哥伦比亚大学商学院,获得商业管理硕士和管理学博士学位。研究兴趣包括组织与社会文化、个体与群体行为、认知模式、公平和道德、领导特质与行为等。在管理学和心理学的国内外一流学术期刊发表多篇论文,包括 Academy of Management Journal, Annual Review of Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Research in Organizational Behavior, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,《南开管理评论》等。她在一流国际会议上承担论坛召集人并报告论文20余篇,主持多个论坛,并五次获得最佳论文奖、最佳论坛奖、最佳国际论文奖等国际学术奖励。主持和参与多项国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目和重点项目、以及光华思想力项目。在光华管理学院为博士、硕士、本科、国际MBA、MBA和高层管理者教授《组织与管理》、《组织行为》、《人才与团队》 、《企业社会责任》、《商业道德》、 《实验设计及分析》、《管理研究方法论》、《学术规范和论文写作》等课程。担任过Journal of International Business Studies, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Management and Organization Review, Social Justice Research,《心理学报》、《心理科学进展》、《管理学季刊》及其他国内外一流学术期刊的匿名评审。


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