主 题:A Multilevel Model of I-deals in Work Teams
主讲人: Junfeng Wu (得克萨斯大学达拉斯分校讲师)
时 间:2021-12-22 10:00
地 点:明商706会议室、Zoom会议室
语 言:中英文
地 点:明德商学楼706室,Zoom线上会议 https://zoom.us/j/81035572579?pwd=WTNWYkUrQndVMnBCWnE4NWpEWUU4UT09
会议号:810 3557 2579
密 码:877642
Idiosyncratic employment arrangements, or idiosyncratic deals (i-deals), are prevalent in contemporary work teams. Drawing upon social comparison theory, we tested a multilevel model that explains how i-deals differentiation (i.e., the degree of variability of i-deals in a team) and relative i-deals (i.e., one’s i-deals relative to the average level of i-deals in the team)—two important ramifications of i-deals in teams—relates to employee interpersonal deviance. Our model posits that at the team level, when team members engage in upward i-deals social comparison, team i-deals differentiation elicits a hostile team climate; at the individual level, relative i-deals lead to feelings of being envied. Drawing upon insights from social learning and self-regulation theories, we reasoned that hostile team climate and feelings of being envied, respectively, result in employee interpersonal deviance. Results from a multilevel, multi-source, three-wave time-lagged study conducted in a Fortune 500 company supported our hypotheses. Taken together, our study contributes to a multilevel model of i-deals that sheds light on their unintended consequences in work teams.
Junfeng Wu is an Assistant Professor of Management at the Naveen Jindal School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). He received his PhD in OBHR from the University of Illinois at Chicago. His research interests include leadership, creativity, and multilevel issues in work teams. He has published papers concerning these topics in leading management journals such as Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Leadership Quarterly among others. He serves on the editorial board of Personnel Psychology.
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