

主 题:Corporate Social Responsibility and Acquisition Performance:The Role of Complementary Stakeholder Management Capabilities

主讲人: 王汝曦(中国人民大学商学院企业管理系讲师)

时 间:2021-05-14 10:30

地 点:线上腾讯会议

语 言:中英文



会议ID:889 343 706

密  码:0514


Combining insights from the resource-based view and capabilities literatures, we examine the effect of CSR complementarity between the acquirer and target firms on acquisition performance. We argue that greater CSR complementarity – defined as the differences in CSR strengths between the acquirer and target – offers potential for improvement and synergies in stakeholder management capabilities, less resource duplication, and greater reputational gains. Data from 479 acquisitions in the US reveal that high CSR complementarity has a positive effect on acquisition performance. Further, we also explore industry effects, finding that when acquiring firms operate in industries with low growth, this positive effect is strengthened. Taken as a whole, these findings suggest that shareholders consider the combined firms’ portfolio of stakeholder management capabilities and their ability to fully leverage this complementarity when evaluating the synergistic potential of a proposed acquisition.





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