

主 题:Post-COVID Debates in Global Strategy

主讲人: Mike Peng (The University of Texas at Dallas)

时 间:2020-12-29 10:00

地 点:Zoom会议室

语 言:中英文



会议ID: 610 8548 9305


There is no shortage of debates in the field of global strategy. Join one of the most cited and most influential scholars in the field to discuss three crucial and timely post-COVID debates: (1) strategic versus nonstrategic industries, (2) just-in-time versus just-in-case management, and (3) firms’ role in reducing versus contributing toward income inequality. Research implications and future directions will be highlighted.

Short biography:

Mike Peng (www.mikepeng.com) is the Jindal Chair of Global Strategy at the University of Texas at Dallas. He has not only published a lot of papers and books, but has also attracted numerous citations due to his clear thinking and engaging writing. One of the top 101 most cited scholars in business and economics in the world, he is listed on the Highly Cited Researchers List (2020 by Clarivate/Web of Science based on citation impact). He has been on this distinguished list every year since its inception in 2014.



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