




时间:2022年10月28日(周五)上午 10:00-- 11:30




We study how societal culture shapes firm behavior and growth by analyzing the tradeoff of relying on trust in acquiring stakeholder resources, and testing with data on the number of historic Confucian schools surrounding a current firm’s location in China. Companies more exposed to Confucianism have greater social contributions and stakeholder protection, and more business courtesy expenses, patents, and trade credits, which match the five basic virtues of Confucianism: benevolence, righteousness, courteousness, wisdom, and trustworthiness. Our results cannot be explained by other cultural traits and are robust to using the distance to the prototypical Confucian academies in the Song Dynasty and the intensity of rivers in the local region as instrumental variables. The effects are likely to be transmitted via a firm’s interaction with market participants, politicians’ ideology, and board of directors. Stronger Confucianism is associated with greater profitability and growth.


主讲人Hao Liang (梁昊),目前任新加坡管理大学Lee Kong Chian商学院金融系副教授。梁昊教授2015年毕业于荷兰蒂尔堡大学,获金融学博士学位;2010年毕业于南开大学,获工商管理学士学位。他的研究主要涉及公司的社会责任,多篇论文发表于国际顶级学术期刊,如Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Management Science, Organization Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Ethics等。他曾获Winner of FT Responsible Business Education (Teaching Cases) Award (2022), Korea Emerging Scholars Award by Maekyung Media Group (2021), China ESG 30 (2021)等多个奖项。他目前还担任Journal of Business Ethics 的 Section Editor,Singapore Green Finance Center 的 Co-Director等多种学术职务。

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