

主 题: Empowering or Burdening? The Short-Term Benefits and Costs of Upward Networking at Work

主讲人: 王颂 (浙江大学管理学院副教授)

时 间:2023年3月29日 (周三) 14:00

地 点:明商1008会议室

语 言:中文


Research on social networking primarily focuses on the long-term beneficial consequences of upward networking; that is, the pursuit of social ties with leaders in support of task and professional goals. However, how upward networking influences actors in the short term is largely overlooked. Indeed, upward networking may have different, possibly even negative, effects when considering shorter time frames. Drawing upon conservation of resources theory, we focus particularly on upward networking and develop a dual-pathway model that simultaneously examines both the immediate benefits and the costs of upward networking for employees on a daily basis. In Study 1, we developed and validated a reliable scale of upward networking using nine separate samples, to address the limitation of the absence of a well-accepted measurement. In Study 2, utilizing a time-lagged experience sampling methodology across 84 employees who completed twice-daily surveys for 10 consecutive workdays, we examined the effects of daily upward networking on work engagement through the resource gain of perceived impact at work and the resource loss of ego depletion. We found that the individual trait of self-control moderated the relationships between daily upward networking and both resource gain and resource loss. Specifically, employees high in self-control experienced a greater perceived impact at work after engaging in upward networking, while those low in self-control experienced greater ego depletion. Overall, our findings highlight the complexities of upward networking, which both empowers and burdens employees in terms of immediate work outcomes.


王颂,浙江大学管理学院创新创业与战略系副教授,博士生导师,MBA创业管理项目学术主任。北京大学管理学博士,麻省理工学院富布赖特(Fulbright)联合培养博士,斯坦福大学科技创业中心(STVP)访问学者。研究主题为工作场所中的人际互动,研究成果发表于Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Business Ethics, International Business Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Management,《管理世界》,《心理学报》等国内外权威期刊。主持四项国家自然科学基金项目。担任美国管理学年会组织与管理理论(OMT)方向评审编委(2018-2019);担任Human Relations,  Journal of Vocational Behavior, Management and Organization Review,《管理世界》《心理学报》等期刊审稿人。荣获浙江省高等学校青年教师教学竞赛一等奖、浙江大学青年教师教学竞赛一等奖、浙江大学优秀教学成果二等奖。在学生票选的浙江大学管理学院“最受欢迎老师”评选中,荣获“春风化雨奖”。


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