主 题:IP Governance in Cyberspace: The Case of Original Design Protection Program of An Internet Platform Company
主讲人: 黄灿(浙江大学管理学院教授)
时 间:2022-05-26 10:00
地 点:线上会议室
语 言:中英文
In 2018, an internet platform company launched the original design protection program (ODPP), which offers intellectual protection (IP) protection to the originally designed products sold in the company’s platforms. Different from the conventional IP protection offered by government agencies, the ODPP offers a design right which can only be valid and protected in the platform. We use the data from August 2018 to October 2020 to evaluate the effect of ODPP on product sales. We find that participation in the ODPP significantly increased the sales revenue of originally designed product and prolonged the selling time of the products. Both large and small enterprises benefited from the ODPP to have better sales revenue for their originally designed products. The enterprises which had higher credit scores benefited more from the ODPP than those with lower credit scores. This study reveals that an IP right established by a platform company can generate returns to innovators which is similar to the effects of IP rights protected by governments.
黄灿博士现任浙江大学管理学院教授,博士生导师,管理学院副院长,浙江大学创新管理与持续竞争力研究中心常务副主任,知识产权管理研究所联席所长。黄灿教授是ISO56000创新管理国际标准技术委员会委员和全国知识管理标准化技术委员会委员。他还是创新管理领域影响因子最高的学术期刊之一的 《Technovation》(SSCI索引)的副主编、中国管理研究国际学会(IACMR)的会刊《Management and Organization Review》(SSCI索引)的副主编和其它几本学术期刊的编委。黄灿教授的研究方向是创新和知识产权管理,科学技术政策分析。
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