

主 题:Workshop (Dept. of Trade Economics)

主讲人: 苏惠雯(中国人民大学商学院贸易经济系博士生)、余雯雯(中国人民大学商学院贸易经济系博士生)

时 间:2021-01-12 10:00

地 点:Zoom会议室



会议ID: 620 5632 7443

主题1:Internationalization as a driver of corporate social innovation in an emerging economy


Drawing on stakeholder theory and upper echelon theory, this study examines the question of emerging-market multinational enterprises’ (EMNEs) internationalization affect their engagement in academia-industry research collaborations (AICs) in home countries. We argue that EMNEs enhance stakeholder-related capabilities in adapting to the needs and demands of stakeholders beyond their local borders and thereby are more likely to identify the salience attributes of academic organizations and partner with appropriate academic organization to form AICs. We also propose that international experience and female representation in top management affect EMNE’s stakeholder identification and relationship capabilities accumulation in international operations and thus moderate the positive association between firm internationalization and AIC involvement. Using a unique sample of 90 Chinese innovative EMNEs, we find strong support for our hypotheses. The study enriches our understanding of the influence of EMNEs’ internationalization on their behaviors and strategies back home and the impact of executive characteristics on this link.

主题2:Corporate Social Responsibility and Poverty Reduction in China: Evidence from the "10,000 Enterprises Assisting 10,000 Villages" Campaign


This paper estimates the effect of corporates social responsibility (CSR)3 conducted by private enterprises on regional poverty outcomes in China, where a national fight for poverty eradication is carrying on. Our results show that CSR from the private sector has a positive impact on the probability of a county getting out of the list of impoverished counties. We also find that CSR in different forms has a different effect on poverty reduction. CSR in the form of non-donating outperforms CSR in the form of donating in reducing the probability of a county being in the list in the short term. We provide a new perspective of CSR's social benefits by connecting poverty reduction with private enterprise's CSR activities and exploring the development effect of CSR.


Sali Li (PhD University of Utah, 2007) is a Professor and Research Fellow at the Sonoco International Business Department at the Darla Moore School of Business.

Professor Li teaches Global Strategy and Negotiation course in the MBA, PhD, and Executive Education programs and has received several teaching awards. His research on internationalization of digital innovation was awarded the Rugman Prize by the Academy of International Business and he was recognized as the most promising scholar under the age of 40 in the field of international business. Professor Li’s research on FDI in Africa won the GWU-CIBER Best Paper Award on Emerging Markets at Academy of Management. In addition, he also serves as associate editor of Journal of Management and Journal of World Business.



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