主 题:CEO dismissal: Consequences for Competitors
主讲人: Brian L. Connelly
时 间:2019-04-18 09:00
地 点:明德商学楼706室
语 言:英文
PART 1 Seminar
主 题:CEO dismissal: Consequences for Competitors
主讲人:Brian L. Connelly (Professor, Auburn University, Luck Eminent Scholar Chair,Associate Editor of Academy of Management Journal)
时 间:英文
In this study, we propose that CEO dismissal can change the strategic decision-making of CEOs at competing firms. Specifically, we suggest competitor CEOs will experience an increase in job insecurity, which motivates them to refrain from strategic risk taking. We use a sample of CEO dismissals among S&P 1500 firms to test the hypothesized responses of competitors and also test the underlying theoretical mechanism using a complementary policy capturing study with top executives.
PART 2 Meet the Editor
主 题: How to Get Published in the Best Management Journals
主讲人:Brian L. Connelly (Professor, Auburn University, Luck Eminent Scholar Chair,Associate Editor of Academy of Management Journal)
语 言:英文
PART 3 Paper Discussions
Professor Brian L. Connelly will discuss these papers.
主 题:Overseas Expansion and Executive Promotion of State-Owned Enterprises
语 言:英文
主 题:The Endogenous and Induced Effects of Complex Co-alignments on Capability Strength
语 言:英文
主 题:Reexamining the Use of Strategic Noise: Positive News, Negative News, and Timing
语 言:英文
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