【金融高端论坛】 第一百一十四期


主 题:Countercyclical Dispersion of Price Changes: Causes and Implications

主讲人: 李明浩(北京大学国家发展研究院助理教授)

时 间:2020-12-22 10:30

地 点:线上腾讯会议

语 言:中文


腾讯会议ID:851 955 481


This paper studies the nature of countercyclical price change dispersion and revisits the real effects of monetary policy over the business cycle. Using Nielsen Retail Scanner data, I show that the increase in the dispersion of price changes during the Great Recession is largely driven by the diverging price adjustment between goods of different qualities. Prices of low-quality goods drop dramatically, while those of high-quality goods remain stable. Conversely, the contribution of increasing volatility of individual prices is negligible. By linking Nielsen Consumer Panel with Retail Scanner data, I find that households who purchase a larger fraction of low-quality goods during the recession become more price-sensitive, suggesting that sellers of low-quality goods face increasing elasticity of demand. Motivated by the empirical findings, I develop a quantitative multi-sector menu cost model incorporating countercyclical demand elasticity in the sector of low-quality goods. The model successfully replicates the countercyclical dispersion of price changes. Contrary to models driven by second-moment shocks, monetary policy is still very effective during recessions: the cumulative output response to a monetary policy shock is only 4% smaller in recessions.











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