主 题: Leader Network Centrality and Team Performance: Team Size as Moderator and Collaboration as Mediator
主讲人: Yingjie Yuan (University of Groningen, the Netherlands)
时 间:2021-05-19 16:00
地 点:Zoom会议室、明商706室
语 言:中英文
地 点:明德商学楼706室
Zoom线上会议 https://zoom.com.cn/j/62455858783?pwd=Tnh3WUN4bG1WZmRtMkdNangyQnFJdz09
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The social network perspective provides a valuable lens to understand the effectiveness of team leaders. In understanding leadership impact in team networks, an important question concerns the structural influence of leader centrality in advice-giving networks on team performance. Taking the inconsistent evidence for the positive relationship of network centrality and leadership effectiveness as a starting point, we suggest that the positive impact of leader centrality in advice-giving networks is contingent on team needs for leadership to meet communication and coordination challenges, which we argue are larger in larger teams. Developing our analysis, we examine the mediating role of member collaboration in the relationship of leader network centrality and team performance as moderated by team size. Based on a multi-source dataset of 542 employees and 71 team leaders, we found that leader centrality in advice-giving networks related positively to team performance in larger teams but negatively in smaller teams. Results supported the mediated moderation model via member collaboration in smaller teams, but not in larger teams.
Yingjie Yuan (Ph.D. obtained at Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2017) is an Assistant Professor of HRM&OB at University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Her research focuses on team information processing at work including: how teams develop creative outcomes, how individual members and the collective receive and implement creative ideas, how intra-team and inter-team network dynamics affect team processes and outcomes, and how team processes evolve and affect team effectiveness. Dr. Yuan has articles published at Journal of Business and Psychology, Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, and PLOS One. She is an ad hoc reviewer of Journal of Organizational Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Thinking Skills and Creativity, and Journal of Organizational Change Management. In addition, she contributed to the book entitled, The Oxford Handbook of Group Creativity and Innovation.
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