主 题:区块链技术在平台供应链中的影响:交易成本及信息透明的视角
主讲人: 吴江华,余家豪 (中国人民大学商学院)
时 间:2021-05-19 10:00
地 点:明商1008会议室
语 言:中文
This paper studies blockchain technology’s impacts on platform supply chain from the perspectives of information transparency and transaction cost. We build a hybrid-format supply chain, in which one supplier is agency selling format and sells the product through the platform by paying a commission fee while the other supplier is reselling-format. A game theory model is adopted to solve the key question: What is the optimal strategy for each supply chain member to adopt blockchain? Our research shows that blockchain technology can be a powerful weapon for the platform to adjust price and control the market. As for two suppliers, they will become better off with blockchain technology due to the elimination of information asymmetry and transaction cost. Moreover, the optimal strategies for the platform strongly depend on the competition intensity, commission rate and blockchain’s operation cost. Furthermore, we also give a side payment contract to help different players to achieve Pareto Improvement, thus reaching a win-win-win outcome. Our findings not only provide guidance for blockchain’s adoption in platform economy, but also complement the gap in vast research of information sharing.
吴江华,本科和研究生毕业于华中科技大学船舶工程和机械工程专业,2005年获得美国普渡大学(Purdue University)运营管理博士并加入中国人民大学商学院,现为管理科学与工程系主任和教授,以及商学院教学杰出教授。研究方向为运营管理和供应链管理,以及营销与运营管理的交叉。
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