

主 题:A Dual-Path Model of the Effects of Evening Cyber Leisure on Employees’ Sleep and Next-Day Work

主讲人: 嵇月婷(中国人民大学劳动人事学院)

时 间:2019-12-06 09:00

地 点:明德商学楼1008室

语 言:中英文



We propose a dual-path model based on the recovery perspective, in order to discuss the paradoxical effects of employees’ evening cyber leisure on their work. We measure the effects against the following day’s work outcomes, namely, psychological vitality, performance, and cyberloafing. Specifically, we argue the paradoxical effects result from the contradicting impact of evening cyber leisure on global sleep quality, which links employees’ evening life and next-day work outcomes together. Through disentangling the impacts on global sleep quality, we first reiterate the concern about the problem of poor sleep hygiene—bedtime procrastination caused by the evening usage of cyber devices. Meanwhile, we discover the advantage of using cyber devices in enhancing employees’ global sleep quality and in presenting an alternative of psychological detachment from work. Further, we propose that employees with higher levels of trait mindfulness can better manage their evening usage of cyber devices for leisure. Data collected from 10-day daily reports of 161 R&D employees of a bio-tech company support the proposed model. Finally, we discuss the implications of assisting employees in managing their sleep and work cycles in these cyber times. 

Short biography:

Yueting Ji is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University of China. Before joining the Ph.D. program of RUC, she received her master degree from Georgetown University in 2015, and her bachelor degree from RUC in 2013.  Yueting Ji’s primary research interest area is employees’ well-being in the workplace, specifically in the cyber era. For instance, she developed a theoretical framework to analyze the paradoxical effects of evening cyber leisure on employees’ well-being and work outcomes for the following day, thereby contributing substantially to the leisure and recovery literature. Moreover, she investigated whether and why cyber leisure has cross-culture differences, which provided necessary foundation to establish the crucial role of cross-culture value in the cyber era.



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