主 题:Demand for Performance Goods: Import Quotas in the Chinese Movie Market
主讲人: 王艳菲(中国人民大学商学院助理教授)
时 间:2021-12-22 16:00
地 点:明商706会议室
语 言:中英文
We evaluate Chinese restrictions on the number of foreign movies distributed domestically, particularly an increase in the quota in 2012. We estimate a structural model of consumer demand for movies. We solve a discrete choice model of consumer behavior that is dynamic in the sense that consumers may see movies only once. We find that the reliance on reduced-form age profiles is greatly reduced in our dynamic model relative to standard static approaches. Counterfactual experiments show that consumer welfare increases by 6% due to the import liberalization and that there is relatively little substitution between foreign and domestic movies.
王艳菲,中国人民大学商学院贸易经济系助理教授,博士毕业于美国波士顿大学经济系。主要研究领域为实证产业组织。学术论文发表于Management Science, Journal of Industrial Economics, Economics Letters and Economic Modelling.
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