主 题:Picture or Text Superiority? The Impact of Text Size on User Engagement
主讲人: 石洋(深圳南特商学院/深圳大学微众银行金融科技学院讲师)
时 间:2022-04-06 10:00
地 点:线上会议室、明商1008室
语 言:Chinese/English
Although image text is often inevitable, conventional wisdom largely recommends minimizing text without considering context-specific demands. Deepening the understanding of the interplay between text and pictorial content within images, this research stipulates the differential text-size effects based on a fit paradigm. Leveraging deep learning-based computer vision techniques, the authors analyze two large-scale datasets of more than 30,000 Instagram organic posts and Facebook cover photos. Empirical analyses show that enlarging image text (relative to its pictorial counterpart) produces more ‘likes’ and/or ‘comments’ for utilitarian products, economy brands, informational messages, and individuals with a disposition for verbal processing. Conversely, a negative effect on engagement is observed among hedonic products, premium brands, narrative messages, and those disposed to visual processing. Further mediation analyses and an experiment supplement the findings from the field, providing coherent support for the fit paradigm that the differential effects are contingent on the cognitive processes varying with text size and induced as a function of the extent to which the processes are suited for the demands of tasks at hand. In doing so, this investigation elucidates the boundaries of picture superiority and has strategic implications for visual optimization and content strategies.
Keywords: text size, social media engagement, picture superiority, visual marketing, advertising
石洋,深圳南特商学院/深圳大学微众银行金融科技学院助理教授,香港科技大学市场营销博士,曾任香港科技大学访问助理教授、中山大学岭南学院助理教授,为本科、硕士和MBA学生全英文授课。致力于用统计学和经济学模型解决市场营销的问题,主要研究方向包括消费者选择行为实证模型、广告、媒体消费、跨屏营销、数据挖掘、动态结构模型、竞标等。已有多篇研究成果发表在Journal of Advertising, Journal of Interactive Marketing, International Journal of Forecasting等国际一流期刊上。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金。
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