

主 题:Structural Foundations of Measurable Outcomes: Network Embeddedness Fosters Gossip, Trust, and Performance

主讲人: Kevin Nanakdewa (University of Toronto)

时 间:2022-06-02 09:00

地 点:线上会议室

语 言:英文



Prior work has shown that one’s social network structure—especially being well connected—leads to performance advantages for employees. Current literature conceptualizes social networks as pipes of information and signals of status. However, precisely how network structure conveys information and signals status to benefit performance is unclear. We propose a novel mechanism that can signal one’s status and serve as a pipe for information: workplace gossip. Across three organizations in Mainland China, we find that when a colleague is more embedded in the network of a focal employee, the focal employee is more likely to share gossip information with that colleague. In return, the colleague trusts the focal employee more and rates the focal employee’s performance more favorably. We further discuss the role of gender in moderating trust relationships evolving from positive and negative gossip. This research moves the question from “what” to “how” in understanding how network structure leads to individual performance advantages.


Kevin Nanakdewa is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto. He obtained his MBA from Peking University in China and his PhD from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. In his first line of research, Kevin studies how differing beliefs about choice influence psychological outcomes, such as bias in decision making and support for environmental policies. In Kevin’s second line of research, he examines underlying psychological tendencies of people in cultures such as India, Latin America, and Arab regions, to better understand the largely unexamined varieties of interdependence that exist in non-Western cultures. In Kevin’s third line of research, he studies how employing an intuitive versus deliberative approach influences bias in decision making for initial decisions (e.g., specification bias) and in subsequent decisions (e.g., the sunk-cost bias). Kevin’s research has appeared in journals such as the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. He has two puppies: a Jack Russell Terrier and a Patterdale Terrier—photos available upon request.

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