

主 题:When is a governmental mandate not a mandate? Predicting organizational compliance under semi-coercive conditions

主讲人: 谢绚丽博士(北京大学国家发展研究院副教授)

时 间:2020-12-03 12:00

地 点:明商1008会议室

语 言:中英文



While institutional theorists have long viewed governmental mandates as a prototypical coercive pressure generating homogeneous organizational compliance, we suggest that such mandates are often subject to enforcement uncertainty, resulting in a pressure more aptly characterized as “semi-coercive” and a compliance result more aptly characterized as heterogeneous. We advance and test a theoretical framework to predict the specific form of heterogeneous compliance in semi-coercive contexts, with particular attention to the differential sensitivity of firms to pressures to comply, based on differences in their specific legal, political, and social context.  We use the setting of a mandated corporate governance reform in China requiring listed Chinese firms to add independent directors and find general evidence of non-compliance, and more specific evidence consistent with the predictions from our socio-political framework. We discuss the implications of our theoretical approach and findings for future research on institutional environments, governmental regulations, organizational compliance, and corporate governance.



谢绚丽,现任北京大学国家发展研究院副教授,北京大学数字金融研究中心高级研究员。研究方向包括创新创业、企业转型、国际化等。她博士毕业于美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校(The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill),并在北京大学获得学士及硕士学位。谢博士多次承担国家自然科学基金、教育部、科技部等重大研究课题,文章发表于Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Journal of Small Business Management,《管理世界》,《南开管理评论》等国内外顶级期刊,为MBA, 本科和研究生教授《创业管理》及《战略管理》课程。



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