2016-2021 德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校 市场营销 博士
2010-2011 伯明翰大学 市场营销传播 硕士
2006-2010 宁波诺丁汉大学 国际商务管理 学士
2021-至今 中国人民大学商学院市场营销系 讲师
Zhou, Qiang (Kris), B.J. Allen, Richard T. Gretz, and Mark B. Houston (2022), “Platform Exploitation: When Service Agents Defect with Customers from Online Service Platforms,” Journal of Marketing , 86 (2), 105–25.
Zhou, Qiang (Kris); Allen, B.J.; Gretz, Richard and Houston, Mark, “Online Platform for In-Home Healthcare: Customer Defection and Platform Exploitation,” Annual Meeting of American Economic Association (AEA), San Diego, CA (January 2020).
Zhou, Qiang (Kris); Allen, B.J.; Gretz, Richard and Houston, Mark, “When Do the Best Service Agents Decrease Customer Retention? An Investigation of Online Service Platforms and Customer Defection,” Annual Conference of American Marketing Association (summer AMA), Chicago, IL (August 2019).
Yan, Dengfeng; Zhou, Qiang (Kris) and Gretz, Richard, “The Divergent Effects of Even and Odd Brand Names on Consumer Responses to Iterated and Non-Iterated Products,” Annual Conference of American Marketing Association (summer AMA), Chicago, IL (August 2019).
Zhou, K. Qiang and Yan, Dengfeng, “Anthropomorphism Moderates the Effects of Ownership on Self Perceptions,” Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR), Dallas, TX (October 2018).
Marketing Strategy Consortium Fellow, University of Texas at Austin, 2020
Award of Best Paper in Track, Summer AMA, 2019
Graduate Professional Development Award, 2018-2019
The 36th Annual UH Doctoral Symposium Fellow, University of Houston, 2018