许年行 系别:财务与金融系 职称:教授 电话:8610-82500487 传真:8610-82509169 邮箱:xunianhang@rmbs.ruc.edu.cn 地址:明德商学楼0916 院内行政职务:财务与金融系系主任



先后获得国家自然科学基金“杰出青年科学基金项目”、“优秀青年科学基金项目”和“原创探索计划项目”、全国优秀博士学位论文(财务管理方向),入选中组部首批“青年拔尖人才”(国家“万人计划”)。在本领域国内外顶级和一流期刊Journal of Financial Economics、Management Science、Contemporary Accounting Research、Review of Finance、Journal of Corporate Finance、Journal of Banking & Finance、Financial Management、Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance、《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《管理科学学报》等发表论文40余篇。入选2020和2021年“爱思唯尔中国高被引学者”。

学术成果先后获得中国高校人文社会科学研究优秀成果一等奖和三等奖、The China Finance Association最佳论文奖、中国金融国际年会(CICF)、中国金融学年会等国际和国内学术会议最佳论文奖。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年、面上和优青项目,中组部青年拔尖人才项目,全国百篇优秀博士论文项目,霍英东教育基金会基础性研究课题资助项目等国家和省部级科研项目。


2003/09—2007/03 管理学博士(财务管理专业),厦门大学管理学院

2000/09—2003/07 管理学硕士(理财学专业),厦门大学管理学院

1996/09—2000/07 管理学学士(工商管理专业),厦门大学管理学院


2014.09-现在 中国人民大学商学院财务与金融系,教授(破格晋升)、博士

2014.01-12 耶鲁大学管理学院访问学者

2010.09-2014.08 中国人民大学商学院财务与金融系,副教授

2009.09-2010.08 中国人民大学商学院财务与金融系,讲师

2007.04-2009.07 北京大学光华管理学院金融系,博士后研究员







(1)Dong, R., Fisman, R., Wang, Y., and Xu, N.H., 2019, “Air pollution, affect, and forecasting bias: Evidence from Chinese financial analysts”, Journal of Financial Economics, forthcoming.

(2)Huang, J. K., Xu, N. H., and Yu, H.H., 2019, “Pollution and performance: Do investors make worse trades on hazy days?”, Management Science, forthcoming.

(3)Chan, K.C., Jiang, X.Y., Wu, D., Xu., N.H., and Zeng, H., 2019, “When is the client king? Evidence from affiliated-analyst recommendations in China’s split-share reform”. Contemporary Accounting Research, forthcoming.

(4)Pan, Y., Weng, R., Xu, N. H., and Chan, K.C., 2018, “The role of corporate philanthropy in family firm succession: A social outreach perspective”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 88, 423-441.

(5)Xu, N.H., Chen, Y.N., Fung, A., and Chan, K.C., 2018, “Contributing Forces in Entrepreneurship Research: A Global Citation Analysis”, Journal of Small Business Management, 2018 56(1), 179–201. January

(7)Xu, N., Chen, Q., Xu, Y., and Chan, K.C., 2016, “Political uncertainty and cash holdings: Evidence from China”. Journal of Corporate Finance, 40, 276-295.

(8)Xu, N.H., Jiang, X.Y., Chan, K.C., and Wu, S.N., 2017, “Analyst Herding and Future Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from China”. Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 28(3), 308-348. October.

(9)Jiang, X.Y., Xu., N.H., Yuan, Q.B., and Chan, K.C., 2016, “Mutual Fund Affiliated Analysts and Stock Price Synchronicity: Evidence from China”, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, forthcoming.

(10)Xu, N.H., and Yuan, Q.B., Jiang, X.Y., and Chan, K.C., 2015, “Founder’s political connections, second generation involvement, and family firm performance: Evidence from China”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 33, 243-259.

(11)Xu, N.H., Chan, K.C., and Chang, C.H., 2016, “A quality-based global assessment of financial research”, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 46, 605-631.

(12)Xu, N.H., Poon, W., and Chan, K.C., 2014 “The contributing institutions and authors in international business research: A Quality-based Assessment”, Management International Review, 54, 735-755.

(13)Xu, N.H., Li, X.R., Yuan, Q.B., and Chan, K.C., 2014, “Excess Perks and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from China”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 25, 419-434.

( 14)Xu, N.H., Chan, K.C., Jiang, X.Y., and Yi, Z.H., 2013, “Do Star Analysts Know More Firm-Specific Information? Evidence from China”, Journal of Banking and Finance, 37, 89-102.

( 15)Xu, N.H., Jiang, X.Y., Chan, K.C., and Yi, Z.H., 2013, “Analyst coverage, optimism, and stock price crash risk: Evidence from China”, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 25, 217-239.

(16)Xu, N. H., Xu, X.Z., and Yuan, Q. B., 2013, “Political Connection, Financing Frictions, and Corporate Investment: Evidence from Chinese Listed Family Firms”, European Financial Management, 19(4), 675-702.

(17)Wu, S.N., Xu, N.H., and Yuan, Q.B., 2009, “State Control, Legal Investor Protection and Ownership Concentration: Evidence from China”, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 17(2), 172-196. (SSCI, corresponding author)

(18)Li, X.R., Xu, N.H., Liu, Q., and Luo, W., 2016, “Corporate pyramids and stock price crash risk: Evidence from China”, China Accounting and Finance Review, forthcoming.




(22)许年行、江轩宇、伊志宏、袁清波,2013,“政治关联影响投资者法律保护的执法效率吗?”,《经济学》(季刊), 12(2), 373-406。


















(1)2016年12月,中国青年金融学者联谊会第8次学术会议,中国泉州,The role of corporate philanthropy in family firm succession: A social outreach perspective.

(2)2015年12月,第五届“金融青年学术菁英圆桌研讨会”,中国厦门,political uncertainty and cash holdings: evidence from China.

(3)2015年10月,Orlando, Analyst Herding and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from China .

(4)2014年10月,TCFA,NYC, The Effect of Politician Career Concerns on Media Slant and Market Return: Evidence from China.

(5)2014年10月,FMA,Nashville,A quality-based global assessment of financial research


(7)2012年10月,Financial Management Association (FMA) annual conference, Atlanta.






Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics

International Review of Economics and Finance

China Accounting and Finance Review

China Finance Review International











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