况伟大 系别:财务与金融系 职称:教授 电话:8610-82500473 传真:8610-82509169 邮箱:kuangweida@rmbs.ruc.edu.cn 地址:明德商学楼1022 院内行政职务:MBA项目中心主任



1999.9-2002.7 中国人民大学 管理学博士

1996.9-1999.7 中国农业大学 管理学硕士

1991.9-1995.7 青岛农业大学 农学学士


2011.8 至今 中国人民大学商学院财务与金融系 教授

2012.11-2013.5 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院 高级访问学者

2007.9-2011.7 中国人民大学商学院财务与金融系 副教授

2006.8-2007.7 布朗大学经济系 访问学者

2005.8-2007.8 中国社会科学院财政与贸易经济研究所 副研究员

2002.7-2005.7 中国社会科学院财政与贸易经济研究所 助理研究员













1、 期刊论文

(1) Agarwal, Sumit, Yanhao Ding, Weida Kuang Xiao Zhu, Are Environmental Punishments Good News or Bad News? Evidence from China, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, online available, July 8 2023.

(2) Agarwal, Sumit, Weida Kuang, Long Wang, Zoe Yang, The Role of Agents in Fraudulent Activities: Evidence from the Housing Market in Beijing, Journal of Urban Economics, forthcoming, April 5, 2024.

(3) Yongqiang Chu, Weida Kuang, Daxuan Zhao, Xiaoxia Zhou, Inside Job: Evidence from the Chinese Housing Market, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2024;43:214-233.

(4) Kuang,Weida, Chunlin Liu, Qun Wu and Hongchao Zeng, “How do Interest Rate Changes Affect Mortgage Curtailments? Evidence from China”, Real Estate Economics, September, 2021,49(S2): 395-427.

(5) Kuang,Weida, Tao Li and Jiangjian Xiao, “Housing Prices and Household Savings: Evidence from Urban China”, Economic and Political Studies, 2020, 8(1): 96-114.

(6) Kuang,Weida Changyu Chen and Qilin Wang, “Home Purchase Restriction, Real Estate Investment, and Corporate Innovation”, Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2020, Vol.14 (4): 519-539.

(7) Kuang,Weida and Wang, Qilin, “Cultural Similarities and Housing Market Linkage: Evidence from OECD Countries”, Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2018, Vol.12 (2):101-125.

(8) Kuang,Weida and Liu Peng, “Inflation and Housing Prices: Theory and Evidence from 35 Major Cities in China”, International Real Estate Review, 2015,Vol.18 (2): 217-240.

(9) Li, Xiaowei and Kuang Weida, “Prepayment Behavior of China's Mortgage Borrowers: Evidence from the Loan-Level Data”, International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 2012, Vol.5(1): 71-88.

(10) 况伟大、丁言豪、张莹方、贾士军,借款人身份影响房贷发放吗?《中国软科学》,2022,(2):39-49。

(11) 况伟大、陈晶、余家玮,“主导产业波动与住房库存率”,《应用经济学评论》,2022年第2期,101-119页。

(12) 况伟大、张思涵、张璋,“媒体情绪与房价波动”,《经济理论与经济管理》,2020年,12期,56-68页。

(13) 况伟大、王湘君,土地市场波动、限购与地方债交易市场风险—来自中国城投债交易市场的证据,《中国软科学》,2019年10期,39-49页。

(14) 况伟大、王湘君、葛玉好,“老龄化、遗产动机与房价”,《中国软科学》,2018年12期,44-55页。

(15) 况伟大、陈晶、葛玉好,“贫富差距、供求弹性与房价”,《经济理论与经济管理》,2018年3期,5-15页。

(16) 况伟大、王琪琳,“房价波动、房贷规模与银行资本充足率”,《金融研究》,2017年11期,34-48页。

(17) 况伟大,“租售比与中国城市住房泡沫”,《经济理论与经济管理》,2016年2期,46-58页。

(18) 况伟大、王优容、马海云,“地铁站设立与城市房价空间分布”,《中国软科学》,2016年4期,56-69页。

(19) 况伟大,“中国住房抵押贷款拖欠风险研究”,《经济研究》,2014年1期,155-168页。

(20) 况伟大,“开征房产税对预期房价的影响:来自北京市调查问卷的证据”,《世界经济》,2013年6期,145-160页。

(21) 况伟大,“FDI与房价”,《经济理论与经济管理》, 2013年2期,51-58页。

(22) 况伟大、李涛,“土地出让方式、地价与房价”,《金融研究》,2012年8期,56-69页。

(23) 况伟大,“房产税、地价与房价”,《中国软科学》,2012年4期,25-37页。

(24) 况伟大,“房地产税、市场结构与房价”,《经济理论与经济管理》,2012年1期,10-19页。

(25) 况伟大、朱勇、刘江涛,“房地产税对房价的影响:来自OECD国家的证据”,《财贸经济》,2012年5期,121-129页。

(26) 况伟大,“房价变动与中国城市居民消费”,《世界经济》,2011年10期,21-34页。

(27) 况伟大,“房地产投资、房地产信贷与中国经济增长”,《经济理论与经济管理》,2011年1期,59-68页。

(28) 况伟大,“预期、投机与中国城市房价波动”,《经济研究》,2010年9期,67-78页。

(29) 况伟大、马一鸣,“物业税、供求弹性与房价”,《中国软科学》,2010年12期,27-35页。

(30) 况伟大、赵宇华,“中国房市与股市关联度研究”,《经济理论与经济管理》,2010年8期,38-44页。

(31) 况伟大,“中国存在住房支付困难吗”,《财贸经济》,2010年11期,125-130页。

(32) 况伟大,“利率对房价的影响”,《世界经济》,2010年4期,134-145页。

(33) 况伟大,“住房特性、物业税与房价”,《经济研究》,2009年4期,151-160页。

(34) 况伟大,“开发区与中国区域经济增长”,《财贸经济》,2009年10期,71-76页。

(35) 况伟大,“中国住房市场存在泡沫吗”,《世界经济》,2008年12期,3-13页。

(36) 况伟大,“中国开发区成败的决定因素研究”,《财贸经济》,2008年12期,96-101页。

(37) 况伟大,“空间竞争、价格合谋与房价”,《世界经济》,2006年1期,61-67页。

(38) 况伟大,房价与地价关系研究: 模型及中国数据检验, 《财贸经济》,2005,(5):56-64

(39) 况伟大,空间竞争、房价收入比与房价,《财贸经济》,2004,(7):79-96。

2、 学术专著




3、 纵向课题





2017.1-2019.12,主持中国人民大学科学研究基金重大项目“政治锦标赛、土地收入波动与地方债风险”(Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,and the Research Funds of Renmin University of China,批准号17XNL007)。

4、 学术会议论文

2024.7.27-28,住房预售与房企违约风险,第16届世界华人不动产学会(16th GCREC (The Global Chinese Real Estate Congress) Annual Conference),新竹,中国台湾。

2024.7.27-28,房价、预防性储蓄与健康,第16届世界华人不动产学会(16th GCREC (The Global Chinese Real Estate Congress) Annual Conference),新竹,中国台湾。

2024.1.5-7, Social Status and Credit Misallocation,the 2024 AREUEA-ASSA Annual Conference, Sant Antonio, TX.




2023.7.13-16, Kuang, Weida, Ding, Yanhao, Does Housing Policy Affect Household Consumption Risk-Evidence from Home Purchase Restriction Policy, AsRES-AREUEA Joint Conference, The 27th AsRES Annual Conference, Hong Kong, China.

2023.7.13-16, Kuang, Weida, Mao, Yuyi, Does Housing Policy Affect Industrial Structure, AsRES-AREUEA Joint Conference, The 27th AsRES Annual Conference, Hong Kong, China.

2023.7.13-16,Ambrose, Brent William; Argarwal, Sumit; Huang, Yuting; Kuang, Weida, Social Status and Credit Misallocation, AsRES-AREUEA Joint Conference, The 27th AsRES Annual Conference, Hong Kong, China.

2023.7.13-16, Kuang, Weida, MA, Haiyun, Local Political Cycle and Local Debt Risks: Evidence from China’s Chengtou Bond Market, AsRES-AREUEA Joint Conference, The 27th AsRES Annual Conference, Hong Kong, China.

2023.7.13-16, Kuang, Weida, Liu, Shijun, Huang, Yehua, Does Housing Regulation Affect Local Debt Risk, AsRES-AREUEA Joint Conference, The 27th AsRES Annual Conference, Hong Kong, China.

2023.7.13-16, Kuang, Weida, Ding, Yanhao, Housing Price, Bequest Motives and Old-Age Financial Support, AsRES-AREUEA Joint Conference, The 27th AsRES Annual Conference, Hong Kong, China.

2022.8.4-7, Kuang, Weida; Huang, Yiqi, Does home seller marriage matter? Evidence from China's housing resale market, AsRES-AREUEA Joint Conference, The 26th AsRES Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan.

2022.8.4-7, Huang, Yehua; Kuang, Weida; Zhao, Daxuan, Credit Risk of Political Incentives: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design, AsRES-AREUEA Joint Conference, The 26th AsRES Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan.

2022.8.4-7, Hu, Maggie Rong; Kuang, Weida; Li, Xiaoyang; Shi, Yang, Seeing is Believing: The Impact of Buyers’ Onsite Viewing Activities on Housing Transactions, AsRES-AREUEA Joint Conference, The 26th AsRES Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan.

2022.8.4-7, Huang, Yuting; Kuang, Weida, Disguised credit misallocation: Evidence from housing provident fund, AsRES-AREUEA Joint Conference, The 26th AsRES Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan.

2022.8.4-7, Kuang, Weida; Yu, Jiawei, Does Education Attainment Matter For

Mortgage Risks? AsRES-AREUEA Joint Conference, The 26th AsRES Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan.

2022.8.4-7, Hu, Maggie Rong; Kuang, Weida; Li, Xiaoyang; Shi, Yang, PropTech Interface Induced Bias and Housing Investments, AsRES-AREUEA Joint Conference, The 26th AsRES Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan.

2021.7.18-21, Agarwal, Sumit, Weida Kuang, Yanhao Ding, Environment Law Enforcement and Housing Price: Evidence from the Chinese Housing Market, AsRES-GCREC-AREUEA joint international real estate conference, Singapore.

2021.7.18-21, Agarwal, Sumit, Weida Kuang, Yanhao Ding, “Divorce, Home Purchase Restriction and Housing Price: Evidence from Housing Market in China”, AsRES-GCREC-AREUEA joint international real estate conference, Singapore.

2021.7.18-21, Agarwal, Sumit, Weida Kuang, Changyu Chen, “Does spatial air quality differentiation affect spatial housing price differentiation”, AsRES-GCREC-AREUEA joint international real estate conference, Singapore.

2019.7.12-14,地区歧视与房贷发放,第11届世界华人不动产学会(11th GCREC (The Global Chinese Real Estate Congress) Annual Conference),上海,中国。

2018.7.20-22,土地市场波动与地方债风险, 第10届世界华人不动产学会(10th GCREC (The Global Chinese Real Estate Congress) Annual Conference),青岛,中国。

2018.7.20-22,Media Sentiment and Housing Price Volatility,第10届世界华人不动产学会(10th GCREC (The Global Chinese Real Estate Congress) Annual Conference),青岛,中国。

2018.7.8-11, Media Sentiment and Housing Price Volatility, 23nd AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference, Incheon, South Korea.

2018.7.8-11, Land market volatility and local debt risks: Evidence from China, 23nd AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference, Incheon, South Korea.

2017.7.9-11, Does Corruption affect Government Land Transfer Efficiency: Evidence from China, 22nd AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

2017.7.9-11, Cultural Similarity and Housing market Linkages: Evidence from OECD countries, 22nd AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

2017.7.9-11, Expectation, High-speed Rail Construction, and Housing Prices: Evidence from China, 22nd AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

2017.7.9-11, Aging, Bequest Motives and Housing price, 22nd AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference, Taichung, Taiwan.

2015.7.6-9, Wealth Inequality, Supply-Demand Elasticity, and Housing Prices, 20th AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference ,Washington, D.C, U.S.A.

2015.7.6-9, Air Pollution, Health and Housing Price, 20th AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference, Washington, D.C, U.S.A.

2015.7.6-9, House Price Volatility, Residential Mortgage, and Capital Adequacy, 20th AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference, Washington, D.C, U.S.A.

2015.7.6-9, Land Regulation Failure or Land Corruption-Land Violation, Land Price and Economic Growth in China, 20th AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference, Washington, D.C, U.S.A.

2014.7.14-16, Rent to Price Ratio and Housing Bubble in Urban China, 19th AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.

2014.7.14-16, Jurisdiction Competition, Land Revenue and Local Government Debt Risk in China, 19th AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference ,Gold Coast, Australia.

2014.7.10-12, Inflation and House Prices: Theory and Evidence from China’s 35 Major Cities, 第6届世界华人不动产学会(6th GCREC (The Global Chinese Real Estate Congress) Annual Conference),南京,中国。

2013.6.28-2013.7.1, Housing Price and Urban Household Saving in Urban China, 18th AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference, Kyoto, Japan.

2013.7.6-7, Housing Price and Urban Household Saving in Urban China, 第5届世界华人不动产学会(5th GCREC (The Global Chinese Real Estate Congress) Annual Conference),北京,中国。

2012.7.7-10, The Residential Mortgage Default Risk in China, 17th AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference, Best Paper Award, Singapore.

2011.4.1-3, 物业税、地价与房价, 第3届世界华人不动产学会(3rd GCREC (The Global Chinese Real Estate Congress) Annual Conference),杭州,中国。

2011.7.11-14, The Residential Mortgage Default Risk in China, 16th AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference, Jeju, Korea.

2010.7.9-12, Housing Price and Urban Household Consumption in China, 15th AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

2010.7.9-12, Property Tax, Supply and Demand Elasticity and Housing Price,15th AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

2010.7.9-12, Property Tax, Market Structure and Housing Price, 15th AsRES (Asian Real Estate Society) Annual Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.



2024.10-至今 中国城市经济学会常务理事

2023.11-至今 住建部科技委住房和房地产专业委员会委员

2020.08-至今 中国城市百人论坛青年论坛成员

2019.9-至今  中国城市经济学会城市公共经济与政策专业委员会副主任

2019.3-至今  住建设部中国住房和房地产研究院专家委员

2017.10-至今 中国房地产中青年学者30人论坛成员

2017.9-至今  中国人民大学国发院城市与房地产研究中心主任

2017.7-至今  世界华人不动产学会(GCREC)理事

2017.06-至今 中国城市经济学者论坛学术委员会成员

2014.7-至今  亚洲房地产学会(AsRES)理事

2013.4-至今  美国房地产与城市经济学会(AREUEA)会员

2012.10-至今 中国世界经济学会理事


Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics、Housing Studies《经济研究》《管理世界》《世界经济》《金融研究》《经济学季刊》等期刊匿名审稿人











2007-2008年,主持林肯土地政策研究基金项目(Lincoln Institute of Land Policy China Research Fellowship)“开发区与中国区域经济增长(Developing Zone and Regional Economic Growth in China)”



2024.1-2026.12 中国人民大学吴玉章学者特聘教授

2017.10-2020.7 中国人民大学“杰出学者”青年学者(A岗)


2012年7月《The Residential Mortgage Default Risk in China》,第17届亚洲房地产学会(AsRES)和美国房地产与城市经济学会(AREUEA)联合国际会议最佳论文奖(Best Paper Award)







官方微信 中国人民大学商学院 86-10-82509171 rmbs@rmbs.ruc.edu.cn

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